The city of Mildura is based on the northwest corner of Victoria in the Riverland wine region, not far from the border of South Australia. Mildura is home to many Italian and Greek immigrants who came to Australia during the days of free passage just after the Second World War. Many of the immigrants brought with them a farming background as well as winemaking skills.
Today, the Riverland contributes just over 25% of Australia’s total wine production. The soil is unique to the Murray River system and is known technically as calcareous earth, ranging from brown to red brown loamy sand, sandy loam or loam. The surface is neutral to moderately alkaline with increasing alkalinity at depth as textures become more clayey and calcareous. The surface soils are permeable although perched water tables (attributable in part to soil properties and topography resulting from management practices) are associated with salinity build-up and can create problems in some areas. Overall, however, the soil supports the vigorous growth and high grape yields required.